Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Weekend in Rangeley

Our family went to Rangeley this past weekend. Abby brought a friend and Cam had 2 little buds to play with all weekend. It was a great little get-away...the snowmobiling was great, until we had to park our sled. Cam was disappointed, but Tyler let him and Jeff ride his sled for awhile on Saturday. Took all 6 kids sledding at the golf course. That was really fun. Lorna and I revisited childhood for awhile that day. After a few white-washes and sucking wind to climb what felt like a mountain several times, she and I and all 6 kiddos went back to camp to feed the deer. That, I have to say,` was the highlight of my weekend. At one point, there were 23 deer feeding on the front lawn. Of course the front lawn is under 6 feet of snow.(almost, not an exageration...or maybe the tress have gotten shorter this year) Well it was a nice late Winter weekend away. Now we look forward to Spring. It is nice to hear the birds chirping in the morning now! It is a sure sign that warmer weather is eventually going to arrive.