Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Wonderful Surprise!!!

Jeff and I recently went to dinner with a couple good friends of ours, Jane and Jeff Whitley. Jane had gotten a new ring for Mother's Day and we decided to go check to see if it was done being sized while we waited to go to dinner at Longhorn Restaurant. We had 30 minutes to kill and it was a nice evening so we went for a walk over to the jewelry store. A couple of weeks prior, Jeff had offered to get me a now setting for my engagement diamond, but I felt guilty and decided with the economy not doing well and the price of fuel, I should wait on the ring...well, there was a jeweler at the store that brings his unique settings to Kay Jeweler 2 times yearly, I told him the story about my issue of being really hard on my jewelry and a need for a deep setting. Of course, he pull a gorgeous setting out and even set one of his diamonds in it so I could see how mine would look in it. Needless to say, we caved, Jeff assured me I deserved an new setting and I went home with a ring and wrap that night. What a sweetheart Jeff is, huh? I could not ask for better! Yep, he us a hopeless romantic...he got down on one knee to give the ring to me. How sweet was that!!!! I couldn't get a good picture of it because it sparkles so darn much the detail in the ring is all blurred out. Trust me when I say, it is breath-taking! I LOVE IT! I am a very lucky woman!

1 comment:

Country Girl said...

Lucky you, that was very sweet of Jeff. I love the picture!